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This man was a famous and notable physicist, 

Who helped defeat a country which was expansionist. 


A person who inspired the nuclear age. 

This caused some to fit with rage. 


He engaged in major research on Bosons and Fermions; 

The start of research that may well last eons. 


Like Albert Einstein, he shaped the 20th century. 

Even in the modern world he is considered worthy. 


Maybe not as famous, for reasons unknown. 

He designed the nuclear reactor. At least that should be shown. 


He also sparked a debate that has lasted generations. 

Arguments mount for and against across many nations. 


Why haven't we met aliens yet? This was the debate. 

This question has indeed massive implications of consequences great. 


The Fermi Paradox! That is its name. 

Named after the man of who's existence I claim. 


And now it is time to reveal the man of whom I speak. 

It is Enrico Fermi of course! No one can compete. 

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