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Enrico Fermi. One of the most notable physicists there is. Responsible for the Fermi Paradox, the discovery of Fermions (a few of which are part of atoms, the building blocks of the universe!), work on bosons and took part in the Manhattan Project with many great scientists like Albert Einstein. And, most of all, he won one of the most, if not, the most prestigious award, the Nobel Prize.  

Enrico Fermi has made many influences on our lives, one of which being the Fermi Paradox. The Fermi Paradox is the argument over the existence of aliens and why we haven’t had a visit yet. If this is because aliens were incapable of exploring because of a major barrier, we could very well be in trouble. It also makes us see that, if we are truly alone in the universe, we need to preserve society and preserve ourselves (though many governments are refusing to do so). We, as humans could very well be the only form of intelligent life in the universe. We can’t ruin that. Enrico Fermi has made us see that. 

Fermi has also known as “the architect of the nuclear age”. Although this doesn’t sound like a good thing because of all the hazards and so forth, nuclear energy is one of the largest forms of energy production and the atomic bomb helped shorten WWII by many more years and deaths. In France, nuclear energy is the top energy producer responsible for 70% of France’s energy production. On a global scale, nuclear still generates 10% of the world’s energy. That’s 780 million people that get energy from nuclear power. Many think that it could be a good alternative to fossil fuels when trying to cut emissions. Without Enrico Fermi, none of this would be possible. 

Since I started learning about space, I’ve always wanted to become an astronomer of physicist. Once I heard about Enrico Fermi, it only strengthened these feelings. I want to try and solve the Fermi Paradox, or at least help. I want to learn more about what exists beyond our solar system. I want to know more about our subatomic world. And, most of all, I want to help humanity in any way I can like Fermi did with nuclear energy and the Fermi Paradox. I my childhood dreams (now) will come true some day in the future. 

To conclude, Enrico Fermi is a notable person. He is responsible for and played a major role in many great scientific breakthroughs and discussions that shape our world today. He is responsible for the generation of a large proportion the modern world’s power and shortened WWII by many years and millions of deaths. And, most of all, encouraged many young people like me to follow and try and do something great.

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